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Barnyard is an output system for snort. Barnyard2 is a fork of the original barnyard project, designed specifically for Snort's new unified2 file format. Barnyard2 is under active development and continues to adapt based on user feedback. The current release of 2-1.8 has the following features: -Offloads output processing of your Snort alert files to a dedicated process, minimising dropped packets in Snort itself. -Parses unified2 files. -Uses similar configuration syntax to that of Snort to simplify deployment. -Supports all Snort output plugins (except alert_sf_socket) as well as two additional plugins (Sguil and CEF). Barnyard2 has been written from the ground up and leveraging off of Snort's core routines and is continually aligned to the latest releases of Snort. It is released under the GPLv2 licence.

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